End of term checklist for Axcis contractors

Axcis contractors – don’t forget to go through our end of term checklist to ensure that your work placement ends smoothly. And thank-you for all your hard work!…

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Do you have care work experience? Axcis needs you!

Did you know that many of the schools and residential settings we work with at Axcis require staff with care work experience? So if you're from a care support background, read on to find out if working for us could work for you!…

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Resignation date is fast approaching – should you wait or anticipate your recruitment needs?

With the deadline for school resignations fast approaching, should you wait for the outcome of your own recruitment efforts, or consider going out to agencies proactively?…

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Half term break checklist for supply staff – 3 important things to remember

Agency staff are particularly vulnerable to dry spells when it comes to being offered work. That’s why we thought we’d share these 3 key tips to make sure you are making the most of the school holiday to prep for getting work fast when schools go back!…

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Why supply teaching can benefit your career

Supply teaching isn’t just a back up option, it can genuinely benefit your career – here’s how.…

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